01 / Challenges and Striving goals
The challenge
SeaTwirl and our planet is facing a global challenge. We want to make our contribution to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and significantly reduce its devastating long-term effects on the environment and all other life forms. We firmly believe that our work will make a difference. We define the challenge as addressing three important goals:
CO2 reduction
Reducing carbon emissions to a sustainable level, a.k.a. a net zero carbon footprint.
2°C cap
We want to be actively involved in keeping the global rise in temperature below the two degree threshold.
Good life
We believe that clean and affordable energy is vital for our society to prosper.

02 / our History

03 / About us
About us
SeaTwirl was founded in 2012 with a pure focus to develop a wind turbine specifically for the deep waters. Commercial offshore wind power is currently almost only built on bottom fixed foundations, meaning that projects are limited to shallow waters up to approx. 60-80 meters. The next generation of wind power is floating turbines for the deep waters. SeaTwirl has a unique and patented floating wind turbine technology, based on vertical axis turbine on a rotating SPAR foundation. The simplicity of the design, with standardized components, low center of gravity, and easy access for maintenance are the main big advantages. SeaTwirl installed its first prototype in the sea in 2015 and has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016.
04 / Career
A new career opportunity?
Do you want to be part of a dedicated, fun, and ambitious team, and at the same time contribute to a better world? The SeaTwirl team is highly motivated with extensive technical expertise and strong entrepreneurial experience. Our engineers represent a wide range of backgrounds that cover the key technology areas for SeaTwirl’s products, such as design, simulation, hydrodynamics, testing and mechanical construction. Besides our HQ in Gothenburg Sweden, we have representation in the Nordics, UK, South America, and Asia.

05 / Executive Committee
Executive committee
The board is the SeaTwirl’s highest decision-making body after the general meeting. SeaTwirl’s board consists of six members, including the chairman, and is based in Gothenburg.
06 / Advisory Board
Advisory Board
SeaTwirl’s Advisory Board consists of a group of four people who, with their unique skills and expertise, work in an advisory function towards the company’s management and board.