01 / explore our markets
Enabling floating offshore wind power wherever it is needed
Commercial offshore wind power is currently foundation based. This means that areas which can be developed for offshore wind power are limited to shallow waters. Bottom-fixed turbines are not economically feasible to build in water deeper than approx. 60-80 meters. Therefore, the next step is floating wind turbines.

02 / Why offshore wind power
Why offshore wind power?
SeaTwirl’s wind turbines can be anchored at greater depths than conventional wind turbines which enables installations further out to sea where winds are stronger.
03 / Our markets
Our Markets
SeaTwirl has identified a couple of different areas where the floating vertical-axis turbines are applicable. The niche markets that have been identified are oil and gas platforms, islands and remote seaside villages, wind farms and fish farms. These are businesses and places that today are run mainly on electricity from diesel generators, which are both expensive and emit CO2.