Board’s work
The board is the SeaTwirl’s highest decision-making body, after those present in the annual general meeting. According to the Companies Act, the board is responsible for the Company’s organization and management of the Company’s affairs, which means that the board is responsible, among other things, for establishing goals and strategies, ensuring procedures and systems for evaluating established goals, continuously evaluating the Company’s performance and financial position and evaluating the operational management.
Board of Directors
SeaTwirl’s board consists of six members, including the chairman, and is based in Gothenburg. The current members were elected in May 2024 and have an international mix with two based in London, one in Paris, and three from Sweden. The profiles range from Wind Power, Financing, Shipping, Software, Industry, and Startup & Entrepreneurship.

Dan Friberg
chairman of the board
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Born: 1976
Elected: 2020
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 247 551
Education: MBA, Internationella Handelshögskolan i Jönköping
Experiences: He has held several leading positions within the innovation system and the finance sector, including CEO of Science Park Jönköping. He has also been an entrepreneur in several companies.
Occupation: Co-founder and CEO of Infobric
Other Board Membership: Sits on the boards of around ten other companies

Mike Anderson
Board member
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Elected: 2022
Number of shares in SeaTwirl:
Education: BSc Nottingham University, PhD Cambridge University
Experiences: After obtaining his PhD in 1982, Mike was involved in founding RES, which later grew into one of the world’s largest independent companies in renewable energy. He served as the company’s CTO from its inception until his retirement in 2017. Since then, he has been advising various companies.
Occupation: Adviser
Other Board Membership: ZX Lidars

Sara Brandt
board member
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Born: 1963
Elected: 2024
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 0
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics, Diploma in Dance Pedagogy from the University of Dance
Experiences: Sara has experience from roles including CEO of Berner Nordic, CEO of Coca-Cola AB, and Nordic Marketing Director for Unilever. Sara possesses broad industry expertise, ranging from financial services within corporate loans, advisory, venture capital, and clearing, to multiple categories, products, and services within the consumer goods sector, pharmaceuticals, construction, MRO, industry, and critical infrastructure. Sara also has experience in senior leadership and board work.
Occupation: Senior Interim Manager, advisor and board worker
Other Board Membership: Swedencare AB

Jérôme Guillet
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Born: 1971
Elected: 2024
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 0
Education: Ecole Polytechnique, EHESS (PhD)
Experiences: Jérôme has extensive experience in energy finance and is the founder and former CEO of Green Giraffe, one of the world’s most experienced and renowned financial advisors in offshore wind energy.
Occupation: CEO at SNOW
Other Board Membership: Enterprize Energy (Singapore), Kitemill (Norway), advisory board Hexicon (Sweden).

Johan Lundblad
board member
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Born: 1955
Elected: 2024
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 0
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics
Experiences: He has extensive experience in international shipping, engineering, and forestry industries. Johan has held executive and central positions in international shipping companies and is a co-founder of the industrial group Amymone AB.
Occupation: Retired
Other Board Membership: Amymone AB, Inducore AB, Qtagg R&D AB

Per Ekdahl
board member
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Born: 1970
Elected: 2024
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 0
Education: M. SC ME
Experiences: Per comes from the defense industry with experience as a designer and project manager, and later as a line manager. Per was involved in the development of Science Park in Jönköping, and he has been the CEO of Corroventa Avfuktning AB. Per has worked in both entrepreneur-led companies and startups.
Occupation: Co-founder, COO, and CTO
Other Board Membership: Suppleant Cind AB
Executive Management
The Executive Director is Johan Sandberg who joined SeaTwirl in March 2023. The Executive Director is subordinate to the Board and is responsible for the Company’s ongoing management and daily operations. The division of responsibilities between the Board and the Executive Director is specified in the Board’s working order and the Executive Director’s instructions.

Johan Sandberg
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Born: 1976
CEO since: 2023
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 17 635
Number of stock options: 0
Qualified employee stock options: 37 500
Education: Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Lund University, MBA from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Experiences: After graduating from Lund University, Johan worked with risk analysis at a consulting firm in London before moving to Norway and joining DNV in 2008. Since 2009, his work has focused on floating wind power. Among other things, he led the development of the first standard for floating wind power, which was published in 2013. He worked at DNV until 2019 and then moved to the Aker group, where he worked at both Aker Solutions, Aker Offshore Wind, and Mainstream Renewable Power
Other Board Membership: Belogic AB, Jan Sandberg Brokontroll AB

Mats Hult
chief financial officer
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Born: 1972
Employee since: 2020
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 26 500 aktier
Number of stock options: 0 st
Qualified employee stock options: 12 500 st
Education: Master’s degree in Economics & Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Experiences: Mats has over the years held a number of senior positions as CFO, CEO and Production Manager. The roles have also included organization / personnel issues, purchasing and various project assignments. Mats has solid experience from several different industries and companies. He has experience from international environments, producing companies and development companies and the latest assignment within an innovation company.
Other Board Membership: No

Jonas Boström
chief technology officer
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Born: 1985
Employee since: 2017
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 968
Number of stock options:
Qualified employee stock options: 12 500
Education: Naval Architect
Experiences: After graduating as a Naval Architect Jonas participated in the Maritime Trainee program at DNV in Norway where the main tasks were approval of ship structures for both the marine and offshore sector. Between 2015-2017 Jonas worked at m2d as Design/Structural Engineer developing constructions of on-vessel anchor equipment for highly demanding oil and gas costumers.
Other Board Membership: No

Peter Laurits
head of business development
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Born: 1969
Employee since: 2020
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 2 626
Number of stock options: 0
Qualified employee stock options: 12 500
Education: M.Sc. Electronic Engineering, Chalmers University
Experiences: Peter spent 15 years in various positions at Saab Training Systems, among others VP and Head of Sales. Between 2008-2013, Peter was CEO and part owner of Corroventa Avfuktning and from 2014 to 2018 Peter was CEO and part owner of Concept Träningsredskap AB.
Other Board Membership: Twiik

Andreas Oscarsson
Lead engineer
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Born: 1985
Employee since: 2021
Number of shares in SeaTwirl: 0
Number of stock options: 0
Qualified employee stock options: 2 500
Education: Naval Architecture, Chalmers University,
Experiences: Andreas has experience in developing marine equipment from an early design to finished product, both as a designer and as a project coordinator. Andreas has worked in close cooperation with suppliers to get the best result.
Other Board Membership: No
Election committee
SeaTwirl’s election committe consists of:
- Knut Claesson (appointed by Knut Claessons och Caroline von Otter-Claessons Stiftelse)
- Pontus Ryd (appointed by Solvinvest AB)
- Mattias Sundin (appointed by Trinova Ventures AB)
- Lars Tenerz (appointed by Optiga AB)
- Dan Friberg, Chairman of the SeaTwirl Board