SeaTwirl in Lysekilsposten

In this article made by Lysekilsposten, you can read about SeaTwirl S1 and the upscaled generation S2.

SeaTwirl’s Communication Manager, Elsa Gejrot Mellstig, was interviewed by Lysekilsposten, with focus on SeaTwirl S1, our 30 kW floating wind turbine which has been installed off the coast of Lysekil since 2015.

SeaTwirl S1 is one of the very few floating wind power projects in the world to have been launched and operated for a longer period of time, and has withstood harsh weather conditions, autumn and winter storms reaching hurricane wind speeds. This shows how robust our design is.

You can read the article here (in Swedish)


SeaTwirl appears in SvD (Perspektiv hållbarhet)

Read more here!


Recorded video from SeaTwirl’s Q&A session with CEO Johan Sandberg


New video published with our CEO