Isabella Lövin visits SeaTwirl’s prototype in Lysekil

SeaTwirl was on Monday visited by Isabella Lövin – Sweden’s minister for international development cooperation and climate, deputy prime minister and leader of Miljöpartiet – who got a tour of the test site in Lysekil.
Wind power continues to grow and is capturing a larger share of the energy production mix in many parts of the world. That growth is the result of many years of political support that has allowed refinement of the technology and the building of scale advantages in the supply chains.
“It was interesting to see SeaTwirl’s site in Lysekil. It’s a good thing that Swedish companies are developing technologies for renewable energy. Floating wind power has the potential to become a large industry in the future and it is good that Sweden is part of that development”, says Isabella Lövin.
“Floating offshore wind power is about to embark on similar cost journey as the land and bottom-based wind power have done before, but with the additional advantages of more even production and lower costs. Isabella Lövin’s visit and interest in SeaTwirl strengthens us in our view that society will support our nascent industry as a response to threat from global warming”, says SeaTwirl’s CEO Gabriel Strängberg.