SeaTwirl and floating wind power featured in customer magazines

SeaTwirl and the potential in floating wind power gets a spread in the latest issue of the Swedish power companies’ customer magazines. According to researchers, floating wind turbines placed strategically in the North Atlantic can provide energy for the whole world during the winter and for the whole of Europe during the summer. SeaTwirl is...

SeaTwirl and the potential in floating wind power gets a spread in the latest issue of the Swedish power companies’ customer magazines. According to researchers, floating wind turbines placed strategically in the North Atlantic can provide energy for the whole world during the winter and for the whole of Europe during the summer.

SeaTwirl is one of the companies that leads the development of floating wind power. A few larger companies have come a bit further, but SeaTwirl is unique with its focus on simplicity and low costs, says CEO Gabriel Strängberg in the article.

Read the article (in Swedish) in the Varbergsortens Elkraft edition, page 14.


Reflections on 2024

A year of transformation 2024 has been an exciting, demanding, transforming, but most of all a very fruitful year for…


SeaTwirl appears in SvD (Perspektiv hållbarhet)

Read more here!


Recorded video from SeaTwirl’s Q&A session with CEO Johan Sandberg