SeaTwirl strengthens the organization

Wind power company SeaTwirl strengthens its organization by hiring Mats Hult as chief financial officers (CFO) and promoting Jonas Boström to chief technical officer (CTO). Both started in their new roles on May 18.

Mats Hult, the new CFO, has solid experience from several different industries and companies. He has international business experience as well as experience from both production and development companies. His most recent assignment was with an innovation company. Through the years, Mats has had several leading positions such as CFO, CEO, and production manager, and has worked with organizational/human resources issues, purchasing and different transformation projects. He holds a MSc in business from the International Business School in Jönköping and an engineering degree from Jönköping University.

Jonas Boström, the new CTO, has long and solid experience from the industry and has worked at SeaTwirl as project manager since 2018. He has previously worked in classification societies and at a subcontractor to the offshore industry. He is a Naval Architect examined from Chalmers University of Technology.

“SeaTwirl welcomes Mats Hult and Jonas Boström to their new management positions in the company. As SeaTwirl enters the next phase of development and grows the organization, the skills and qualities that Mats and Jonas possesses are of the utmost importance. We wish them both a warm welcome and look forward to them making their mark in their respective areas. We also want to take the opportunity to thank Johanna Hultgren for her incredibly fine work and dedication. Johanna will continue to work in the finance function together with Mats”, says Peter Laurits, CEO of SeaTwirl.

SeaTwirl develops the floating wind turbine of the future in a simple and robust design that reduces cost at every stage, from installation to maintenance. In recent years, the company has gone from prototyping to developing a 1 MW version, the S2. SeaTwirl is now in an expansionary phase with focus on the market and on scaling up the wind turbine.

Jonas and Mats.




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SeaTwirl appears in SvD (Perspektiv hållbarhet)

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Recorded video from SeaTwirl’s Q&A session with CEO Johan Sandberg